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⚑️🧡 Swift Concurrency

Explore the evolution of concurrency in Swift, from basic asynchronous programming techniques to advanced concurrency models like async/await and actors, culminating in highly specialized concurrency concepts.

Introduction to Asynchronous Programming​

Basic concepts and the need for async operations.

Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) Basics​

Overview of GCD and how to use it for concurrency.

Introduction to Operation Queues​

Managing tasks with Operation and OperationQueue.

Using Dispatch Queues Effectively​

Managing different types of dispatch queues.

Error Handling in Asynchronous Code​

How to handle errors in asynchronous operations.

Combine Framework Basics​

Introduction to Combine for handling asynchronous tasks.

Custom Publishers in Combine​

Creating custom publishers for more complex async tasks.

Migrating to async/await​

Converting callback-based code to async/await.

Concurrency with Actors​

Using the Actor model to manage state in concurrent Swift code.

Performance Tuning with Swift Concurrency​

Optimizing performance with advanced async techniques.

Advanced Combine Operators​

Deep dive into complex Combine operators for data streams.

Custom Schedulers and Executors​

Building custom schedulers for fine-tuned concurrency control.

Concurrency in Distributed Systems​

Applying Swift concurrency principles to distributed systems.

Reactive Extensions (RxSwift) Deep Dive​

Advanced patterns and techniques in RxSwift.

Concurrency and Memory Management​

Managing memory and performance in highly concurrent applications.