📘 Understanding Swift
A guide to understanding the Swift programming language, designed to answer common questions and explain key features in a practical context. This book is aimed at helping both beginners and experienced developers deepen their understanding of Swift.
URL: 🔗 https://www.hackingwithswift.com/quick-start/understanding-swift
Published: June 5, 2020
Authors: Paul Hudson
, Programming
, iOS Development
, Reference Guide
Key Points
- Detailed explanations of fundamental and advanced Swift concepts
- Answers to common questions about Swift programming
- Practical examples and contextual understanding
- Covers simple and complex data types, operators, conditions, loops, functions, closures, structs, classes, protocols, extensions, and optionals
Summary of Contents
- Overview of the book’s purpose and structure
- Differences between Swift and SwiftUI
Simple Types:
- Variables, type safety, multi-line strings, doubles and integers, string interpolation, constants, and type annotations
Complex Types:
- Arrays, sets, tuples, dictionaries, enums, associated values, and raw values
Operators and Conditions:
- Arithmetic operations, remainder operator, operator overloading, compound assignment operators, comparison of data types, if and else if, multiple conditions, ternary operator, switch statements, and range operators
- Usage of underscores with loops, while loops, repeat loops, exiting loops, labeled statements, break and continue, and infinite loops
- Defining functions, parameters, return keywords, returning multiple values, parameter labels, default parameters, variadic functions, throwing functions, try keyword, inout parameters
- Introduction to closures, parameters, return values, trailing closure syntax, shorthand parameter names, capturing values
- Differences between structs and tuples, computed properties, stored properties, property observers, methods, mutating methods, strings as structs, memberwise initializers, self keyword, lazy properties, static properties and methods, access control
- Differences between classes and structs, initializers, method overriding, final classes, data sharing, deinitializers, and mutable properties in constant classes
Protocols and Extensions:
- Protocol inheritance, extensions, protocol-oriented programming, and protocol extensions
- Usage of optionals, unwrapping optionals, guard let vs. if let, force unwrapping, implicitly unwrapped optionals, nil coalescing, optional chaining, optional try, failable initializers, and type casting
- Encourages continued learning and exploration of Swift
- Emphasizes the importance of understanding why Swift features are designed the way they are
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