Visualizing Articles & Advanced Codables
A snippet for visualizing articles by parsing JSON with advanced Codable techniques and displaying them using custom UITableViewCells.
URL: 🔗 Full Implementation
Source: 🔗 Ace the iOS Interview
Author: Aryaman Sharda
, iOS
, Swift
, UITableView
, Codables
Platforms Supported: iOS
Swift Version: 5.0
Key Points​
- Use Codable to parse JSON with a mix of objects.
- Create custom UITableViewCells for different article sections.
- Implement a scalable solution to support additional section types.
Use Cases​
- Displaying articles fetched from a remote server in an iOS application.
- Dynamically rendering various types of content (headings, paragraphs, images, quotes).
- Handling complex JSON structures with Swift's Codable.
Alternative Approaches​
- Using third-party libraries like SwiftyJSON for JSON parsing.
- Hardcoding the layout for specific articles (less flexible).
- Creating a custom view instead of using UITableView.
Performance Considerations​
- Ensure smooth scrolling by optimizing cell reuse.
- Load images asynchronously to avoid blocking the main thread.
- Minimize JSON parsing overhead by caching results.
struct Heading: Decodable {
let text: String
let size: Int
struct Paragraph: Decodable {
let text: String
struct Image: Decodable {
let url: String
let caption: String
let source: String
struct Quote: Decodable {
let text: String
let author: String
struct Result: Decodable {
let response: [Response]
enum Response: Decodable {
case heading(Heading)
case paragraph(Paragraph)
case image(Image)
case quote(Quote)
enum DecodingError: Error {
case wrongJSON
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case heading
case paragraph
case image
case quote
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
switch container.allKeys.first {
case .heading:
let value = try container.decode(Heading.self, forKey: .heading)
self = .heading(value)
case .paragraph:
let value = try container.decode(Paragraph.self, forKey: .paragraph)
self = .paragraph(value)
case .image:
let value = try container.decode(Image.self, forKey: .image)
self = .image(value)
case .quote:
let value = try container.decode(Quote.self, forKey: .quote)
self = .quote(value)
case .none:
throw DecodingError.wrongJSON
View Controller​
final class ViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet fileprivate(set) var tableView: UITableView!
var dataSource = [Result.Response]() {
didSet {
override func viewDidLoad() {
tableView.dataSource = self
private func loadArticle() {
if let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "Article", withExtension: "json"),
let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url),
let result = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Result.self, from: data) {
dataSource = result.response
final class HeadingCell: UITableViewCell {
@IBOutlet private(set) var headingLabel: UILabel!
func configure(model: Heading) {
headingLabel.text = model.text
headingLabel.font = UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: CGFloat(model.size))
final class ImageCell: UITableViewCell {
@IBOutlet private(set) var thumbnailImageView: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet private(set) var captionLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet private(set) var sourceLabel: UILabel!
func configure(model: Image) {
thumbnailImageView.loadImageFromURL(urlString: model.url, placeholder: nil)
captionLabel.text = model.caption
sourceLabel.text = model.source
final class QuoteCell: UITableViewCell {
@IBOutlet private(set) var quoteTextLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet private(set) var quoteAuthorLabel: UILabel!
func configure(model: Quote) {
quoteTextLabel.text = model.text
quoteAuthorLabel.text =
final class ParagraphCell: UITableViewCell {
@IBOutlet private(set) var paragraphLabel: UILabel!
func configure(model: Paragraph) {
paragraphLabel.text = model.text
extension ViewController: UITableViewDataSource {
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return dataSource.count
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
switch dataSource[indexPath.row] {
case .heading(let heading):
guard let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: HeadingCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as? HeadingCell else {
return UITableViewCell()
cell.configure(model: heading)
return cell
case .paragraph(let paragraph):
guard let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: ParagraphCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as? ParagraphCell else {
return UITableViewCell()
cell.configure(model: paragraph)
return cell
case .image(let image):
guard let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: ImageCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as? ImageCell else {
return UITableViewCell()
cell.configure(model: image)
return cell
case .quote(let quote):
guard let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: QuoteCell.reuseIdentifier, for: indexPath) as? QuoteCell else {
return UITableViewCell()
cell.configure(model: quote)
return cell
Usage Example​
// No additional usage example necessary as the UITableView setup demonstrates usage.
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