Real-time Communication Using WebSockets
WebSockets enable real-time communication between a server and client by maintaining an open connection, allowing data to be sent and received instantly without repeated requests.
URL: 🔗
Source: 🔗 Book: Server-Side Swift
Author: [Author Name]
, Vapor
, Swift
, Real-time Communication
Platforms Supported: macOS, Linux
Swift Version: 5.x
Implementing WebSockets in Vapor​
Step 1: Create a WebSocket Endpoint​
In Routes.swift
, add a WebSocket route:
app.webSocket("talk-back") { req, ws in
ws.onText { ws, text in
if text.lowercased() == "hello" {
ws.send("Is it me you're looking for...?")
This route listens for WebSocket connections and responds with a message when "hello" is received.
Step 2: Connect with an iOS Client​
Using the Starscream
library, connect an iOS app to the WebSocket server:
guard let url = URL(string: "ws://") else { return }
let socket = WebSocket(url: url)
Add an action to send a message:
@IBAction func onSendRequest(_ sender: Any) {
socket.write(string: "Hello")
Step 3: Test the WebSocket Communication​
Run the Vapor server and iOS app. When the message "Hello" is sent from the app, the server will respond with "Is it me you're looking for...?"
How it Works​
WebSockets maintain a continuous, open connection, unlike traditional HTTP requests. This allows real-time communication between a client and server without the need for repeated requests or polling.
Advanced WebSocket Handling​
Monitoring Connection Health​
Use onPing
and onPong
to monitor the connection:
ws.onPing { ws in }
ws.onPong { ws in }
Sending and Receiving Data​
Send text or binary data:
ws.send("Message text")
ws.send([1, 2, 3]) // Binary data
Handle completion with an event loop promise:
let promise = eventLoop.makePromise(of: Void.self)
ws.send("Message", promise: promise)
promise.futureResult.whenComplete { result in
// Handle result
Closing the Connection​
Close the WebSocket connection gracefully:
ws.onClose.whenComplete { result in
// Handle closure
WebSockets in Vapor enable efficient real-time communication for use cases like chat applications, live dashboards, and more.