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Using the Swift Package Manager (SPM)

The Swift Package Manager (SPM) simplifies dependency management in Swift projects. Integrated into Xcode, SPM allows you to add, manage, and update dependencies directly from your project.


URL: πŸ”—

Source: πŸ”— Book: Server-Side Swift

Author: [Author Name]

Swift, SPM, Dependency Management, Xcode

Platforms Supported: macOS, Linux

Swift Version: 5.x

Adding a Dependency with SPM​

Step 1: Open the Package.swift File​

In Xcode, navigate to the Package.swift file. You’ll see the project’s package configuration, including the dependencies.

Step 2: Add a Dependency​

Add a new package dependency to the dependencies array:

.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),

This line adds the BlueSocket package, specifying that any version from 1.0.0 onwards is acceptable.

Step 3: Update the Project​

After adding the dependency, run the following command to fetch and build the package:

vapor build

This command ensures that all dependencies are correctly integrated into your project.

Step 4: Understanding Versioning​

SPM allows for specific version constraints:

  • Exact version: .exact("1.2.3")
  • Up to next major version: .upToNextMajor("1.2.3")
  • Up to next minor version: .upToNextMinor("1.2.3")

Step 5: Configure Targets​

In the targets section, specify which packages apply to which targets:

targets: [
name: "App",
dependencies: [
.product(name: "Fluent", package: "fluent"),
.product(name: "Vapor", package: "vapor"),
.product(name: "BlueSocket", package: "BlueSocket")

This configuration allows you to fine-tune how dependencies are used across different targets.

How SPM Works​

SPM pulls code from Git repositories, using tags to determine versions. It manages dependencies and ensures compatibility with your Swift version, as specified by the // swift-tools-version line in Package.swift.


SPM provides a streamlined way to manage dependencies in Swift projects, fully integrated with Xcode. Whether you're working on server-side or client-side Swift, SPM makes it easy to keep your projects up-to-date and organized.

Learn More about SPM→