Realm Swift
Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite.
URL: 🔗
Authors: Various contributors
, ios
, sync
, mobile
, database
, objective-c
, threadsafe
, realtime
, mobile-database
Key Points​
- Realm Swift is a mobile database alternative to Core Data and SQLite.
- Supports real-time data synchronization and thread-safe operations.
- Utilizes Swift (43.5%) and Objective-C (53.9%) with minor contributions from other languages.
- Provides a robust framework for managing mobile app data with high reliability.
Summary of Contents​
- Introduction: Overview of Realm Swift as a mobile database solution.
- Main Sections: Discusses synchronization, thread safety, and real-time capabilities.
- Technical Details: Focuses on Swift and Objective-C integration, outlining language usage percentages.
- Applications and Examples: Demonstrates practical usage scenarios and benefits for iOS developers.
- Conclusion: Highlights Realm Swift as a versatile and efficient database solution for mobile applications.
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