A Swift Autolayout DSL for iOS & OS X.
URL: 🔗
Authors: Various contributors
, ui
, xcode
, dsl
, layout
, cocoapods
, constraints
, snapkit
, autolayout
Key Points​
- SnapKit is a DSL (Domain Specific Language) designed to simplify Auto Layout implementation in Swift for both iOS and OS X applications.
- It offers a concise syntax that enhances readability and maintenance of Auto Layout code.
- SnapKit supports Swift 4.0 and later versions, with dedicated migration guides available for major updates.
- The library can be integrated using CocoaPods, Carthage, Swift Package Manager, or manually, providing flexibility based on project needs.
- Examples and documentation are available to help developers quickly adopt SnapKit in their projects.
Summary of Contents​
- Introduction: Overview of SnapKit as a DSL for Auto Layout in Swift.
- Requirements: Specifies iOS, macOS, and tvOS versions supported, along with Xcode and Swift version requirements.
- Migration Guides: Provides links to migration guides for transitioning between major SnapKit versions.
- Communication: Outlines channels for support, bug reporting, and feature requests.
- Installation: Details steps for integrating SnapKit using CocoaPods, Carthage, Swift Package Manager, or manually.
- Usage: Provides a quick start example and notes on using SnapKit in a Playground environment.
- Credits: Acknowledges contributors and links to their profiles.
- License: States SnapKit is licensed under MIT, with a link to the full license text.
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