Swift Composable Architecture
The Swift Composable Architecture (TCA) is a powerful library for building applications in a modular and composable manner. It provides tools to manage state, compose features, perform side effects, and test applications comprehensively, all within a consistent structure.
Repository URL: 🔗 Swift Composable Architecture on GitHub
Documentation: 🔗 Official Documentation
Authors: Point-Free
, composition
, modularity
, Swift
, architecture
- Composable architecture: Build reusable and testable modules with ease.
- Declarative state management: Cleanly model application state and manage transitions.
- Side effects handling: Integrate effects in a manageable and testable way.
- Focus on testing: Provides robust tools to test every part of the application.
Using Swift Package Manager (SPM)​
To add Swift Composable Architecture to your project:
- Open your project in Xcode.
- Navigate to
File > Add Packages
. - Paste the repository URL:
- Choose your desired version and click "Add Package".
Alternatively, add it directly to your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture", from: "0.50.0")
Core Concepts​
1. State​
Define the application's state as a struct. Each screen or feature's state is clearly represented and encapsulated.
struct AppState {
var counter: Int = 0
2. Actions​
Actions describe user interactions or events that change the state.
enum AppAction {
case increment
case decrement
3. Reducers​
Reducers tie state and actions together, defining how state should evolve based on actions.
let appReducer = Reducer<AppState, AppAction, Void> { state, action, _ in
switch action {
case .increment:
state.counter += 1
return .none
case .decrement:
state.counter -= 1
return .none
4. View​
Integrate the architecture with SwiftUI views.
struct AppView: View {
let store: Store<AppState, AppAction>
var body: some View {
WithViewStore(store) { viewStore in
VStack {
Text("Counter: \(viewStore.counter)")
HStack {
Button("-") { viewStore.send(.decrement) }
Button("+") { viewStore.send(.increment) }
5. Side Effects​
Handle side effects using Effect
and dependency injection.
- Scalability: Designed for apps of all sizes.
- Testability: Achieve high test coverage with clearly defined state and logic.
- Reusability: Components can be reused across applications.
- Clarity: Encourages a structured and maintainable codebase.
- 🔗 Point-Free Video Series
- 🔗 GitHub Discussions