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Explain the Mediator Pattern in iOS

· 3 min read
Szymon Michalak
iOS Developer
Sources & Resources

Main Source: Ray Wenderlich - Design Patterns by Tutorials (2019)
Further Reading:


The Mediator Pattern centralizes communication between objects (colleagues) by using a mediator that manages the interactions. This reduces coupling between objects and simplifies communication in complex systems.

Concept Overview​

The Mediator Pattern is a behavioral pattern that facilitates communication between multiple objects (colleagues) by delegating the interactions to a mediator. The key components of this pattern are:

  1. Mediator: Manages and coordinates communication between colleagues.
  2. Colleague: The objects that need to communicate, but interact only through the mediator.
  3. Mediator Protocol: Defines the interface for communication between the mediator and colleagues.

Playground Example​

The following example demonstrates the Mediator Pattern using a group of Musketeers who communicate via a mediator:

import Foundation

// MARK: - Colleague Protocol
public protocol Colleague: AnyObject {
func colleague(_ colleague: Colleague?, didSendMessage message: String)

// MARK: - Mediator Protocol
public protocol MediatorProtocol: AnyObject {
func addColleague(_ colleague: Colleague)
func sendMessage(_ message: String, by colleague: Colleague)

// MARK: - Colleague Class
public class Musketeer {
public var name: String
public weak var mediator: MediatorProtocol?

public init(mediator: MediatorProtocol, name: String) {
self.mediator = mediator = name

public func sendMessage(_ message: String) {
print("\(name) sent: \(message)")
mediator?.sendMessage(message, by: self)

// MARK: - Mediator Class
public class MusketeerMediator: MediatorProtocol {
private var colleagues: [Colleague] = []

public func addColleague(_ colleague: Colleague) {

public func sendMessage(_ message: String, by colleague: Colleague) {
colleagues.forEach { $0.colleague(colleague, didSendMessage: message) }

// Example usage:
let mediator = MusketeerMediator()
let athos = Musketeer(mediator: mediator, name: "Athos")
let porthos = Musketeer(mediator: mediator, name: "Porthos")
let aramis = Musketeer(mediator: mediator, name: "Aramis")

athos.sendMessage("One for all...!")

How It Works:​

  • Mediator: MusketeerMediator manages the communication between different Musketeer objects.
  • Colleague: Each Musketeer sends messages through the mediator, and the mediator distributes the messages to the other musketeers.

When to Use​

  • Simplifying communication: When multiple objects need to communicate, but you want to reduce their direct dependencies.
  • Decoupling: When you need to centralize control of interactions in complex systems.

When to Be Careful​

  • Mediator becoming complex: Be cautious about the mediator taking on too many responsibilities and becoming a "god object."

In Bullets
  • The Mediator Pattern centralizes communication between objects (colleagues).
  • It involves a mediator and colleagues who communicate only through the mediator.
  • Useful for decoupling interactions and managing communication in complex systems.