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What is an inout parameter?

· 2 min read
Ace the iOS Interview
Aryaman Sharda
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Main Source: đź”— Ace the iOS Interview

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Whenever you pass a value type into a function, only a copy of the value is passed along. As a result, even if you attempt to change the value of that parameter inside the function, the variable at the calling site will still maintain its original value.

var currentAge = 26

func updateAge(passedInAge: Int){
var passedInAge = passedInAge
passedInAge = 42
print(passedInAge) // 42
print(currentAge) // 26

updateAge(passedInAge: currentAge)

If we want to change the value of the parameter itself instead of just working with a copy of the data, we’ll need to add the inout keyword. This will allow us to make changes directly to the variable that was passed in even if it’s a value type.

We’ll need to use the & symbol when providing an inout parameter:

var currentAge = 26

func updateAgeWithInout(passedInAge: inout Int) {
passedInAge = 42
print(passedInAge) // 42
print(currentAge) // 42

// currentAge is 26 before the call and 42 after
updateAgeWithInout(passedInAge: &currentAge)

The inout keyword is used very often in Swift and enables syntactic sugar like the += operator which modifies the value of the variable on the left-hand side of the operator in place.