What are our options for unwrapping optionals in Swift?
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What are our options for unwrapping optionals in Swift?​
We have seven options for unwrappingOptionalsinSwift with varying levels of safety:
var username: String?
var user: User?
// Forced unwrapping (unsafe)
let forcedUnwrapping: String = username!
// Implicitly unwrapped (often unsafe)
// Used when a variable will start off as nil, but will have
// a value by the time you use it.
@IBOutlet var titleLabel: UILabel!
// Optional chaining (safe)
// Optional binding (safe)
if let value = username {
// Nil coalescing operator (safe)
let value = username ?? "unknown"
// Guard (safe)
guard let username = username else {
// Optional (safe)
if case let value? = username {