What is the difference between pushing and presenting a new view?
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Both pushing and presenting presentation styles have their own default behavior and conventions, so it’s important to understand the differences between the two.
A push transition will add another UIViewController
to aUINavigationController’s view hierarchy. The UIViewController
that originates thepush should belong to the same UINavigationControlleras the UIViewController
thatis being added to the stack.
With a push transition, you will automatically get a back button from the new UIViewController
to the previous one. Additionally,you’ll also get the ability to swipe to the right to pop the new UIViewController
from the UINavigationController’s
view hierarchy
without writing any additional code.
Push transitions are only available to UIViewControllers
that are embedded in a UINavigationController
Now, turning to presenting a UIViewController
(i.e.modal transition).
This is simply the case of one UIViewController
presentinganother UIViewController
vertically over itself - neither of these UIViewControllers
have to be embedded in a UINavigationController
The modally presented UIViewController
will typically appear without a UINavigationBar
or UITabBar
unless specified otherwise. Remember,though, that different versions of iOS havedifferent default styling for modally presented views.
Finally, the presenting UIViewController
is generally responsible for dismissing any modally
presented UIViewController it presents.